02 August, 2007


ايدي في جيوبي وقلبي طرب
سارح في غربة بس مش مغترب
وحدي لكن ونسان و ماشي كدة
بابتعد معرفش أو بأقترب

One of Mounir's greatest songs, at least to me. It just strikes a nerve with me. The music alone is enough to make this song one of Mounir's greatest songs. The words are a great example of "السهل اممتنع". Not a single I love you, I left you, I hate you, the regular themes of all Arabic songs. Words that just goes directly to your heart and music that instantaneously elevates your soul. Mounir IS truly the KING. After discovering it the other night on my hard disk I went on a downloading frenzy and downloaded all Mounir's albums since 1977.